

2024-05-25T09:52:33+00:00April 20th, 2024|Tradecraft|

A space became available in the building where I used to have a workshop and the tiny room at home that was serving as a studio had become too cramped so I moved the shop (with the generous help of good friends). It's on the small side but has enough room for the machines and both benches. Back to Journal [...]

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More mods

2024-05-25T09:49:20+00:00April 8th, 2024|Tools & Techniques, Tradecraft|

A glue up using the Alberti clamps with the modification. Note the caul pads lined with neoprene to protect the top from dents, yet another modification on the clamp. Back to Journal

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Minimalist Shop

2024-05-25T09:48:20+00:00March 27th, 2024|Tools & Techniques, Tradecraft|

Making a violin shop in Vietnam means starting from scratch. Some things can be sourced within the country; carpenters tools are available, some files, some abrasives, metric nuts and bolts. We ordered some scraps from a carpenter's shop for the fireplace and wound up using some if it to cobble specialized tools like the thicknessing gauge. Other things have to be shipped in which [...]

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